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Bible Studies

Our Bible Study Groups meet every Monday at 10am, Wednesday at 7:30pm to study a book of the Bible.

The study lasts for roughly hour followed by a time of fellowship.

Bible Lesson
Pastoral Support

Our church is lead by elders. They care for the

spiritual welfare of our members.

We also have a Committee of Management that takes care of the temporary affairs of our church community.

Women's Ministry (PWA)

The ladies of our church meet together monthly

on Tuesday mornings at 10am in our hall. They also

run our church Op Shop and various other activities

throughout the year.

Christian Bookshop

Our shop is open Wednesday's from 11:30am to 2:00pm.


Most books are second hand but good condition.

We have Bibles and new Christian cards at $2 for each card.

Op Shop

Our Op shop is open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm 

and some Saturdays.  We enjoy supplying second hand goods at a reasonable price to the people of Kiama.

If anyone is in genuine need of course we give supplies free of charge to help those in need as our Lord Jesus would want.

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Our Choir meets on Thursday at 5pm for practice.

They regularly perform for us during our Sunday service. 

Bible Study
Pastoral Support
Op Shop
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